Leadership Quote:  You Can Tell Whether A Person Is Clever…

Leadership Quote: You Can Tell Whether A Person Is Clever…

3d man holding question mark and exclamation pointThis month’s leadership quote:

“You can tell whether a person is clever by his/her answers. You can tell whether a person is wise by his/her questions.

-Naguib Mahfouz

In Vistage we chairs encourage our members to stay in a questioning mode. This is probably the most important ingredient in effectively getting to the resolution of an issue and the most difficult to do.

Those of us in leadership roles are accustomed to having the answers. After all, it’s having the answers that got us where we are; we solve problems. So… when we hear  a problem, we want to shout out our answers and help the other person (or is it we want them and everyone else to hear how smart we are? Perhaps if we are honest with ourselves, it is a little of both).

Here’s the thing, I think I am smart too. When I bring an issue to the table, first I am a bit uncomfortable, because I am being vulnerable. Second, when you give me answers, I immediately go into objection mode.

If on the other hand, you ask me questions, I can get to the answer myself. Does it take longer than just giving me the answer? Sure for you. Sometimes you can help me by making observations, but don’t solve it for me. That may help you, but it doesn’t help me.

So, as our Vistage speaker, Amy K says, “strive for the better question”. Easy to say, hard to do. Here are a couple of tips I have picked up from Amy that can aid the process:

  • Write down your question before asking it.
  • Write down 11 questions, and then pick your best to ask. The act of writing down so many, helps you push for the better question.

And in the moment, when writing the question isn’t practical, listen to yourself. When I catch myself making a statement, instead of asking a question, I will pause and say, “wait, let me rephrase that as a question”.

The Socratic method after all was named for the man viewed as the wisest in the land because of the questions he asked.

Elisa K. Spain

Leadership Quote: It Is Only As We Develop Others…

Leadership Quote: It Is Only As We Develop Others…

Opt 6 Mar 30 2014This month’s leadership quote:

“It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed.”

-Harvey S. Firestone

As leaders, we truly have only one job: to develop others. The success of our organizations rests entirely in the hands of the people who build our products and deliver the service to our customers. So, we have two choices, we build the products and deliver the service ourselves or… we develop the leaders who work for us, and they, in turn, develop their teams.  

When we choose the latter, we permanently succeed because we have built a sustainable enterprise.

Elisa K. Spain

Leadership Quote: Be Like Water..

Leadership Quote: Be Like Water..

opt 8 Feb 23 blog                This month’s leadership quote:

“Don’t get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water.”

-Bruce Lee

When I read this quote at my Vistage Key Executive meeting this month, we had a lively conversation about “what does it mean to be like water?” Here is what we came up with.

Water is infinitely adaptable, when it encounters a boulder, a rock or a dam, it moves around it. Water takes different forms, sometimes, hard and solid, like ice, sometimes fluid, sometimes cold, sometimes warm, sometimes boiling.

If we as humans can be like water, we will know when to simply move around the boulder and find another path; when to be fluid and when to hold firm; when to accept and when to respond; when to boil and when to be warm. In short, be like water and adapt to what life presents us with.

Elisa K. Spain

Leadership Quote: We can't solve problems…

Leadership Quote: We can't solve problems…

someone's hand pressing a service bell what could they want                     This month’s leadership quote:

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

-Albert Einstein

Typically when we discover a problem, we bring together the same team that was involved when we first launched the new product, new division, new whatever, that led to the problem we are now facing.

What if instead, we asked people who weren’t involved at the beginning to look at the situation and give us questions to consider and offer possible solutions?

Perhaps you can gather a new team to look at the problem with fresh eyes.

Or, consider asking people outside your business.

Each month Vistage members have the opportunity to ask their private advisory board to bring that different kind of thinking to the challenges they face.

Wherever you choose to go when problems arise,  it’s that fresh view that leads to better results.

Elisa K. Spain

Leadership Quote: Leadership:  The Art Of Getting Someone Else To Do Something…

Leadership Quote: Leadership: The Art Of Getting Someone Else To Do Something…

2013-12-22 iStock_000016897704XSmallThis month’s leadership quote:

“Leadership:  The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”

-Dwight D. Eisenhower

As human beings, we tend to choose to lead or follow. The role we choose is function of both our style and our circumstance. Even those of us who are leaders are often in a position where we choose to be followers.

As I stop and reflect on who I have chosen to follow in the past and why, this quote resonates, I did it because I wanted to. Here are my reflections on circumstances where I have chosen to follow, please share yours:

  • Something the person said inspired me
  • I observed what they were doing and wanted to learn
  • The person encouraged me, made me feel that I could do it
  • By doing it, I would benefit my business or career
  • I felt there was a “greater good” to be achieved by doing it

I look forward to hearing your stories.

Enjoy the holiday season! See you here on January 5th, 2014.

Elisa K. Spain

Leadership Quote: If I Had Only One Hour To Save The World…

Leadership Quote: If I Had Only One Hour To Save The World…

2013-11-24 iStock_000027536746XSmallThis month’s leadership quote:

“If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution.”

-Albert Einstein

How often do we jump in and start solving things before we know what the problem is? When we process issues in Vistage, the set goal is question, question, question until the person whose issue it is finds their own way to the solution. And yet, it is so tempting to jump in with answers. Socrates, like Einstein, tells us that wisdom comes from asking the better questions, defining the problem.

Perhaps us lesser mortals, have the opportunity to be just as wise…by pausing, asking questions, defining the problem, and letting the solution emerge rather than be told.


Elisa K. Spain


Leadership Quote: Becoming A Leader, Becoming Yourself….

Leadership Quote: Becoming A Leader, Becoming Yourself….

2013-10-27 Success Dice iStock_000010594159XSmallThis month’s leadership quote:

“Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple and it is also that difficult.”

-Warren Bennis

The challenge of course is gaining this self-awareness.

  • Identifying our genius
  • Learning how we show up to others and the impact we have
  • Learning when to lead from the front of the room and when to lead from the back

Whether we have been in a leadership role for a long time, or the experience is more recent, each day is an opportunity to move toward this simple, yet difficult goal.

One of the great benefits of Vistage private advisory boards is the opportunity to learn all these things from our peers. We can then  take what we learn back into our organizations and become the best version of ourselves.


Elisa K. Spain


Leadership Quote: Create Goals, Not For What You'll Achieve…

Leadership Quote: Create Goals, Not For What You'll Achieve…

2013-09-29F iStock_000022814566_ExtraSmallThis month’s leadership quote:

“Create goals, not for what you’ll achieve, but for who you get to be in the process.”

Occasionally, I hear from people who say, “I don’t have goals and frankly, I don’t see the point”. While setting achievement goals is somewhat personality driven, the value is there for all of us when we create goals for the purpose of….well, creating a purpose.

Goals, be they personal or business, give us a direction to go in. They help with that ball-dropping prioritization, I talked about a few weeks ago, Drop Some Balls, and they give us clarity each day.

When we begin to think about goal setting as defining who we want to be, suddenly it is less about achieving and more about “who we get to be in the process”.


Elisa K. Spain


Leadership Quote:  Vision Without Execution…

Leadership Quote: Vision Without Execution…

Business man cartoon character with road to successThis month’s leadership quote:  

Vision without execution is hallucination.

 — Thomas A. Edison

When leaders focus solely on vision and strategy and not on execution, put simply, nothing gets done. Successful leaders know that a vision is a destination that their team can rally around. They also know that while the vision is their job, it is a  team effort to develop a strategy for getting there.

At the same time, once the vision and strategy are defined, results only happen with implementation. And only succeed with the monitoring and evaluation that follows.

In my experience, leaders who see their only job as generating the big ideas and abdicate their leadership role when it comes to execution are suffering from the hallucinations Thomas Edison describes.  By avoiding learning about the people they lead, the technologies their companies use, the customers they serve, and numerous other crucial little things, they miss the key elements of execution.

This is why Vistage members share their vision, strategy and execution plans, are accountable to each other for all three and outperform their industry peers.


Elisa K. Spain


Leadership Quote:  The Art Of Being Wise….

Leadership Quote: The Art Of Being Wise….

i2013 07-28 Owl Stock_000002106217XSmallThis month’s leadership quote: 

The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.

 — William Jones

How many times do we notice something, point it out and then regret it later, wishing we had kept quiet. In our quest for excellence, sometimes we forget that perfection and excellence are not the same. Excellence sometimes is simply knowing what to accept as good enough and what to overlook.

Here’s an idea…

Today, instead of looking around your office, your plant, or the long to-do list and noticing what is missing:

  • What if you, instead, noticed a critical item that is working and gave someone specific positive feedback?
  • And, decided to overlook something less important, that may not be exactly what you wanted, but is really good enough?

Elisa K. Spain