Leadership Quote: Leadership:  The Art Of Getting Someone Else To Do Something…

Leadership Quote: Leadership: The Art Of Getting Someone Else To Do Something…

2013-12-22 iStock_000016897704XSmallThis month’s leadership quote:

“Leadership:  The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”

-Dwight D. Eisenhower

As human beings, we tend to choose to lead or follow. The role we choose is function of both our style and our circumstance. Even those of us who are leaders are often in a position where we choose to be followers.

As I stop and reflect on who I have chosen to follow in the past and why, this quote resonates, I did it because I wanted to. Here are my reflections on circumstances where I have chosen to follow, please share yours:

  • Something the person said inspired me
  • I observed what they were doing and wanted to learn
  • The person encouraged me, made me feel that I could do it
  • By doing it, I would benefit my business or career
  • I felt there was a “greater good” to be achieved by doing it

I look forward to hearing your stories.

Enjoy the holiday season! See you here on January 5th, 2014.

Elisa K. Spain

Leadership Quote: If I Had Only One Hour To Save The World…

Leadership Quote: If I Had Only One Hour To Save The World…

2013-11-24 iStock_000027536746XSmallThis month’s leadership quote:

“If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution.”

-Albert Einstein

How often do we jump in and start solving things before we know what the problem is? When we process issues in Vistage, the set goal is question, question, question until the person whose issue it is finds their own way to the solution. And yet, it is so tempting to jump in with answers. Socrates, like Einstein, tells us that wisdom comes from asking the better questions, defining the problem.

Perhaps us lesser mortals, have the opportunity to be just as wise…by pausing, asking questions, defining the problem, and letting the solution emerge rather than be told.


Elisa K. Spain


Leadership Quote: Becoming A Leader, Becoming Yourself….

Leadership Quote: Becoming A Leader, Becoming Yourself….

2013-10-27 Success Dice iStock_000010594159XSmallThis month’s leadership quote:

“Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple and it is also that difficult.”

-Warren Bennis

The challenge of course is gaining this self-awareness.

  • Identifying our genius
  • Learning how we show up to others and the impact we have
  • Learning when to lead from the front of the room and when to lead from the back

Whether we have been in a leadership role for a long time, or the experience is more recent, each day is an opportunity to move toward this simple, yet difficult goal.

One of the great benefits of Vistage private advisory boards is the opportunity to learn all these things from our peers. We can then  take what we learn back into our organizations and become the best version of ourselves.


Elisa K. Spain


Leadership Quote: Create Goals, Not For What You'll Achieve…

Leadership Quote: Create Goals, Not For What You'll Achieve…

2013-09-29F iStock_000022814566_ExtraSmallThis month’s leadership quote:

“Create goals, not for what you’ll achieve, but for who you get to be in the process.”

Occasionally, I hear from people who say, “I don’t have goals and frankly, I don’t see the point”. While setting achievement goals is somewhat personality driven, the value is there for all of us when we create goals for the purpose of….well, creating a purpose.

Goals, be they personal or business, give us a direction to go in. They help with that ball-dropping prioritization, I talked about a few weeks ago, Drop Some Balls, and they give us clarity each day.

When we begin to think about goal setting as defining who we want to be, suddenly it is less about achieving and more about “who we get to be in the process”.


Elisa K. Spain


Leadership Quote:  Vision Without Execution…

Leadership Quote: Vision Without Execution…

Business man cartoon character with road to successThis month’s leadership quote:  

Vision without execution is hallucination.

 — Thomas A. Edison

When leaders focus solely on vision and strategy and not on execution, put simply, nothing gets done. Successful leaders know that a vision is a destination that their team can rally around. They also know that while the vision is their job, it is a  team effort to develop a strategy for getting there.

At the same time, once the vision and strategy are defined, results only happen with implementation. And only succeed with the monitoring and evaluation that follows.

In my experience, leaders who see their only job as generating the big ideas and abdicate their leadership role when it comes to execution are suffering from the hallucinations Thomas Edison describes.  By avoiding learning about the people they lead, the technologies their companies use, the customers they serve, and numerous other crucial little things, they miss the key elements of execution.

This is why Vistage members share their vision, strategy and execution plans, are accountable to each other for all three and outperform their industry peers.


Elisa K. Spain


Leadership Quote:  Leadership Is Not Magnetic Personality…

Leadership Quote: Leadership Is Not Magnetic Personality…

business team work - corporate ladder over a white backgroundOnce again, I am taking a brief pause from the Leadership View series for the monthly quote. The series will return next week with Leadership View #12.

This month’s leadership quote: 

Leadership is not magnetic personality — that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not ‘making friends and influencing people’ — that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations — Peter F. Drucker 

What a relief, this means EVERY leader has the potential to succeed…That is, if he or she wants to. For me, this quote means that to accomplish successful leadership, we must step outside of ourselves and focus on the people we are leading. We must identify what drives each individual on our team, identify their unique genius and coach them toward success. It is our job as leaders to inspire the people we lead to take the next step, to take the risk to achieve growth and as Drucker says, achieve beyond their limitations.

Perhaps the place to start is with identifying these same factors within ourselves…


Elisa K. Spain

Leadership View #10: Take The High Risk…

Leadership View #10: Take The High Risk…

2013 06-16 iStock_000008237816XSmallLeadership View #10:

Take the higher risk / higher reward job.

Much like when choosing investments, the higher risk choices lead to higher returns. And much like with investments, intentionality is the key. If you truly want the higher reward (or greater leadership role) and are willing to take the risk to modify both your behavior and your choices, go for it. And, along the way, gather feedback from your manager, your peers, and your subordinates so you know where your blind spots are and the modifications you will need to make.

A great place to start is with Marshall Goldsmith’s book, What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There.

Elisa K. Spain


Leadership Quote: Most People Need Repetition

2013 05-26 Ribbon on Finger Stock_000013061976XSmall (1)Once again, I am taking a brief pause from the Leadership Series for the monthly quote. The series will return next week with Leadership View #8.

This month’s leadership quote: 

Most people need repetition more than instruction.

I had a clear reminder of the importance of repetition last month. One of my Vistage members noticed we were neglecting some of the tenants of our group’s Operating Agreement and called it out in a meeting. His noticing led to a rich discussion amongst members of that group, and one of the members said it well: “Just like diet and exercise, we know what to do and sometimes we need a reminder”.

In our busy lives, we are mostly focused on the urgent (hopefully it is the urgent and important). If we want to pay attention to the Important, Non-Urgent issues in our lives, we need reminders. Whether it is our Vision, our Mission or Operating Agreements that we share with our teams, or the commitments that we make to our spouses, life partners or family; we all need that repetition to keep us focused.

As a reminder,

Most people need repetition more than instruction.

What do each of us need reminding of today?

Elisa K. Spain

Leadership Quote:  Our Job As Marketers And Leaders

Leadership Quote: Our Job As Marketers And Leaders

2013 04-28 iStock_000016947133XSmallOnce again, I am taking a brief pause from the 45 Years of Leadership series for the monthly quote. The series will return next week with Marsh’s Leadership View #5.

This month’s leadership quote: 

Our job as marketers and leaders is to create vibrant pockets, not to hunt for mass. – Seth Godin 

This quote comes from Seth’s Super Bowl blog, entitled, Why do we care about football? In this post, Seth claims, that while mass TV built many elements of our culture, mass TV (except for the Super Bowl) is basically over. The new media giants of our age (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.) don’t point everyone to one bit of content, don’t trade in mass. Instead, they splinter, connecting many to many, not many to one.

Facebook, Twitter and Google connect businesses to business, businesses to consumers and consumers to consumers. The question is no longer simply are you B2B or B2C but rather who are your customers, who do you want to have as customers and how do you continue to be relevant to them.

Elisa K. Spain


Leadership Quote: What You Do Speaks So Loudly…

Leadership Quote: What You Do Speaks So Loudly…

2013 03-31 Action Plan iStock_000019998849XSmallAs it is time for my monthly leadership quote, I am taking a brief pause from the 45 Years of Leadership series.  The series will return next week with Marsh’s Leadership View #2.

This month’s leadership quote: 

What you do speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you say – Ralph Waldo Emerson 

  • We say we provide a great place to work, do our actions demonstrate this by committing to the growth and development of our staff?
  • We say we want to grow our business, are our actions focused on growth?
  • We say we want to spend more time learning to play the guitar, are we practicing?
  • We say we want to make a difference, are we intentional each day in taking actions that do in fact make a difference?
  • Are we pausing each day, to ask ourselves if our actions are aligned with our words?


Elisa K. Spain