Dear Readers,

As most of you know, I lead a CEO Advisory Board in affiliation with Vistage International. My clients meet monthly, and before each meeting, we share an update of our lives since we last met. Typically, we give a brief overview of significant events in our business and personal lives.

With nothing typical at this time, I wrote the following letter instead of my usual update. I am sharing this with you in the spirit of finding common ground in our humanity.

“As I read over last month’s updates, I am stunned by how much has changed since then. 

First, let me say how I continue to be in awe of the leadership demonstrated by each and every one of you. From the leader who is navigating staying open and supporting the building of critical health care facilities while managing fear when an employee got sick; to another pivoting to make materials to keep grocery store employees safe. 

Those in the food business are scrambling to keep our food sources flowing; others are working to meet our infrastructure needs, and some are adapting technology to kill the virus in hospital rooms and other high-risk environments. 

Every one of you is working to keep your essential businesses operating while keeping your employees safe. And at the same time, being that steady hand when it would be so easy to succumb. 

For my husband and me, we are both fortunate to be working at home—week four for me, week three for him. We are settling into this new normal, and while I am grateful to be safe, I long for the freedoms we have all given up. Freedom to go out to dinner with friends; buy what I need at the grocery store, including paper towels and toilet paper; go to a play or take a trip. 

My niece in Miami is due to have her first baby in just a few weeks. We were to be there, and of course, will not. She is frightened to be bringing a child into this COVID-19 world and, at the same time, is finding her center as she jokes about COVID-19 baby names. 

Last night for the first time, I dreamed about traveling. I woke up happy. This dream was a sign to me that I am seeing a light at the end of this tunnel. Even though I don’t know how long the tunnel is, the light is there. 

I am grateful for the connection we have found with friends all over the world. Passover with friends from Singapore, New Mexico, and Philly as well as folks here in Chicago. Zoom happy hours and dinners with friends and family from California, New York, Miami and here in Chicago. This change, of using technology to deepen our relationships, including the distant ones, I pray will stay with us when we do get to the other side.”

To continuing our shared connection,
