Do You Have A Business Owner Or Executive Client Considering A Transition?

Perhaps you have a client who is contemplating exiting their company or selling their business. What about the human side of this equation? Does your client know what they are going to do next?

“When an entrepreneur decides to exit their business, they are embarking on two journeys: leaving their business, hopefully in great hands, and entering the next chapter(s) of their life. Navigating through all of the details filled with financial and emotional decisions can be tough to get through. For me, having Elisa, an executive life coach with experience helping CEOs through this process, made the whole process rewarding and relatively stress-free. I am very grateful for all her insights and ability in allowing me to discover and execute what was best for me.” You Pivot™ Client

Careers like software require updates to keep them fresh. Just as with software, Version 1.0, while it works, is just the beginning. There comes a time when the current version requires an update, when it is time for a pivot. Your client may have already begun a move toward 2.5 or may already be in Version 2.5 and are looking toward 3.0.


Why The You Pivot Program?

The You Pivot™ Program is for business owners who are contemplating or have recently sold their businesses and executives in transition from one role to another or considering an exit. These individuals need strategic clarity to design what’s next.

You Pivot™ is a three-part program that guides your clients through their next transition, helping them discover answers and move toward action – seamlessly and effectively.


Why As A Chair Do I Care? How Does Your Program Help Me and My Clients?

When your member is in a transition and unsure of what is next, they can benefit from a coach specializing in transition.  If they are selling their business, they may start another and return to Vistage. If they are an executive, they may remain a Vistage member during their transition or return once they have landed.

Recently a chair friend of mine referred a long-time member whose company was sold.  As is often the case, the new owners brought in their own management team, and he received a package.  He left her group, but they kept in touch. After spending eight months unsure what to do, we began working together, and by the time he completed his tomorrow story, he had three job offers.  Because of our Vistage connection, we discussed rejoining his Vistage group as part of his tomorrow story, including negotiating for payment in his new contract. He now has a leadership position he loves and is back in Vistage.

Additionally, when people are in transition, they need both a financial advisor and a transition coach. I spent the first half of my career in financial services, including a brief stint as an investment advisor; the second half as an executive coach and Vistage chair. These experiences, combined with my own life and career pivots, make me uniquely qualified to work with people in career transition. I can work with their investment advisor (refer them to one if needed), and I can speak the language of finance, including reminding them that their financial plan is key to a successful pivot.



The You Pivot™ Program is $7,100, including the You Pivot™ Workbook, six one-to sessions, and full access to a customized client portal*. I offer a 10% friends and family discount which you can either pass on to your client or take as a referral fee, your choice.

*Following completion of the You Pivot™ Program, clients may choose to engage in Master Your Pivot™ to reinforce the plan they have created for themselves.