Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday. A time for us to let go of our differences, support one another, and find gratitude. For me, it is a time to pause, consider the gifts that life has given me and ask myself how and where I can pay them forward.
The current inflationary environment is unequal in ways that will have a lasting effect. Household staples are the biggest inflation contributors and have the most unequal impact. Here’s the inflation breakdown for October from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
As Thanks-Giving approaches, its time for those of us who have the gift of privilege to pause and ask ourselves these questions:
- What can I do to support the businesses in my community so they can pay it forward and continue to employ people?
- What can I do to support my neighbors who may be struggling with housing, food insecurity, and other unmet basic needs?
- What can I do to support the agencies, including the arts, that fill the gaps in these unmet needs and bring hope and beauty to our community?